Virtual Programs-on-Wheels
Virtual Programs-on-Wheels
In-person connections not an option? Bring Cincinnati Museum Center's vibrant programs live to your classroom (or class-ZOOM) via virtual connection. CMC can supply the connection or present on a variety of platforms: please contact Val Horobik at vhorobik@madorders.com to discuss program and connection options.
Virtual Early Childhood: $125 per program
Virtual Primary/Secondary: $140 per program
* Multi-session discounts available for three or more sessions of the same program on the same day.
Pre K–K Programs
30 minutes
Maximum 25 students
Minimum age requirement of 3 years
321 Blastoff
Learn about the main “characters” of our solar system with fun masks and beautiful NASA images. Planets, moons, and a star: Oh my! Rotate, orbit, and jump around to check that gravity works. Review what you’ve learned with a to-scale coloring sheet of all the places we toured.
Dino Dig
Growl, claw, and walk like a dinosaur! Play a match game with fossil cards to identify which dinosaurs they came from. Learn about what dinosaurs looked like, what they ate, and how they protected themselves.
Stuffee, the Amazing Anatomy Doll
Meet Stuffee, a seven-foot-tall, blue-haired, smiling anatomy doll that unzips to show others what’s inside all of us. Help us decide what to feed Stuffee for lunch, and then watch as we pull amazing organs out of his belly. Learn about our digestive system, lungs, kidneys, and more. By the end of the program, your heart will be racing!
Elementary & Secondary – Science
45 minutes
Maximum 30 participants
Awesome Animal Adaptations (Grades K-8th)
“Zoom” in to get up close and personal with five live animals who call the Cincinnati Museum Center home! Whether scaly or furry, winged or webbed, 6-legged or 4-legged, all are sure to impress with their unique adaptations. Learn about the habitats they can be found in and the amazing features and behaviors that help them survive there.
Bats! (Grades K-8th)
Walk like a bat! Fly like a bat! Meet a native bat! Scavenge up an item that weighs the same as a bat. Learn about these truly amazing yet misunderstood animals through a slideshow of pictures that highlight the tremendous diversity of the second largest group of mammals!
The Best of Biology (Grades 7th-12th)
Apply the concepts of adaptation, taxonomy, and genetics to the natural world. Gain hands-on practice interpreting and creating phylogenetic trees or cladograms. Then, investigate phenotypes and genotypes using an assortment of bird specimens from museum collections.
Digging for Dinosaurs (Grades 1st-4th)
Uncover fossils on a mock paleontological dinosaur dig and use pre-printed research stations to identify your find. Learn how fossils are formed, how paleontologists unearth them, and when the dinosaurs ruled the Earth. View drawings and impressive fossils from Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and more to learn what these dinosaurs ate and how they moved and protected themselves.
Incredible Insects (Grades 1st-5th)
Get up close and personal with the creatures that make up Earth’s largest group of animals. Learn the characteristics of insects, see the world through the eyes of a fly, and view incredible examples of insect defense, including camouflage and mimicry. As a grand finale, meet some African insects with a few tricks up their sleeves.
Tour the Solar System (Grades 3rd-6th)
Soar through the solar system with recent slide images from Mercury, Neptune, and beyond. View the crushing effects of air pressure. Use your creativity and math skills to create a to-scale miniature solar system.
Elementary & Secondary – Social Studies
45 minutes
Maximum 30 participants
Coming to America (Grades 3rd-8th)
The 19th century brought people from all around the world to the United States. Explore factors that might influence an immigrant to leave their home and learn how these groups impacted local communities. Learn what immigrating through Ellis Island was like and choose a card to uncover your fate.
Impact of Inventions (Grades 2nd-6th)
Many inventors, such as Thomas Edison, Garrett Morgan, Eli Whitney, George Washington Carver, and Lonnie Johnson, have changed our daily lives. View patents, photos, models, and artifacts to explore the impact of their inventions and others on the past, present and the future.
Lotions, Potions and Strange Notions (Grades 3rd-6th)
Learn the cause of cholera (present day and historical theories) then role-play the symptoms this disease caused. Meet a “giant microbe” of Vibrio cholerae (Cholera) and investigate where the disease is found today. View historical documents and compare the cholera epidemic to today’s COVID-19 pandemic.
One World, Many Cultures (Grades K-4th)
Take a trip around the world! Brainstorm local culture. Then, explore cultures from Africa, Asia and South America through clothing, crafts, games, music and photographs.
Reservations for Virtual Programs-on-Wheels
Fill out a request form or call (513) 287-7021 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., for more information or to book your program.
Valerie Horobik, Senior Director, School and Teacher Partnerships
(513) 287-7000 ext. 7166
(513) 455-7166
Educator's Guide
Find everything you need to know about educational programs, field trip planning, professional development and other educational opportunities that are offered at Union Terminal as well as in the community in our Educator’s Guide.
DOWNLOAD NOWThank You to Our Supporters
CMC’s virtual field trips were made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services grant CAGML-248047-OMLS-20. Additional support was provided by the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr./U.S. Bank Foundation and the Robert C. & Adele R. Schiff Family Foundation.