Press Room
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2024
Organ concert series returns to Union Terminal after sold-out season
Music in the Museum three-concert series kicks off Nov. 13; tickets available now
CINCINNATI – The grand Rotunda of Union Terminal will once again echo with the triumphant sounds of its concert organ. Cincinnati Museum Center announced its 2024-2025 Music in the Museum concert series, featuring a lineup of renowned organists and accompanying choirs and musicians performing selections from classic and contemporary composers, from Wagner to Zimmer. Tickets are available now.
Each of the 2024-2025 season’s three concerts will showcase the 1929 Grand E.M. Skinner Symphonic Concert Organ. The organ was restored and installed in specially-designed organ chambers, with the main chambers of its 4,500 pipes located on either side of the Rotunda where it meets the rear concourse and the antiphonal division located above the entrance to the Cincinnati History Museum. A console featuring four manual keyboards brings the organ’s 4,500 pipes roaring to life. Visitors to Union Terminal can see the organ for themselves in a glass display case in the concourse, where it rests when it’s not on the floor for concerts.
Following a Music in the Museum performance in 2023, Michael Barone, host of “Pipedreams” on American Public Media, remarked, “There is no other organ like this in this kind of setting, anywhere. You have a treasure.”
2024-2025 Season Lineup
November 13, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Peter Conte, Organist
with nationally recognized mezzo-soprano Stacey Rishoi
Conte is one of the most brilliant orchestral organists of this era. He is the fourth Wanamaker Grand Court Organist and presides over the world’s largest fully functioning musical instrument at Macy’s Center City in downtown Philadelphia.
February 26, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.
Jean-Baptiste Robin, Organist
with Xavier University Concert Choir, Matthew R. Lee, Director
Robin is Organist of France’s Royal Chapel at the Palace of Versailles. He is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished French organists, master teachers and composers of his generation, with 150 new works to his credit.
April 30, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.
Bryan Anderson, Organist
with Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Principal Flute Randolph Bowman
Anderson was unanimously awarded the Pierre S. DuPont First Prize at the 2023 Longwood Gardens International Organ Competition, a competition specializing in orchestral transcriptions for organ. The Diapason named him to its 20 Under 30 Class of 2017, calling his playing brilliant.
Tickets are available at madorders.com/music-in-the-museum/.
CMC is grateful for the generosity and support of Harley Piltsingrud, CMC’s organ curator, for making the care and restoration of the organ possible.
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About Cincinnati Museum Center
Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) at Union Terminal is a nationally recognized, award-winning institution housed in a National Historic Landmark. CMC is a vital community resource that sparks curiosity, inspiration, epiphany and dialogue. CMC was awarded the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2012, one of a select few museums in the nation to receive both honors. Organizations within CMC include the Cincinnati History Museum, Museum of Natural History & Science, The Children’s Museum, Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater, Cincinnati History Library and Archives and the Geier Collections and Research Center. Housed in historic Union Terminal – a National Historic Landmark restored in 2018 and recognized as the nation’s 45th most important building by the American Institute of Architects – CMC welcomes more than 1.8 million visits annually, making it one of the most visited museums in the country. For more information, visit madorders.com.
Marketing Communications
Cody Hefner
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
(513) 287-7054
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